Public Sewer
Inflow & Infiltration (I&I)
Sewers And Sewage Disposal Rates
Grease Trap Resolution 2024-6 Quarterly Reporting as of 7-1-24
Please complete these quarterly reports and provide a copy to the Borough Office in a timely manner after the quarter ends. You will need to keep a copy on file as well.
Grease Trap Quarterly Reporting January – March
Grease Trap Quarterly Reporting April – June
Grease Trap Quarterly Reporting July – September
Grease Trap Quarterly Reporting October – December
Note: Industrial Waste (Discharge) Permit – Certain non-residential uses, including manufacturing and food processing may require a separate permit from the Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority (ESCRA) and the Borough when the quality of the waste exceeds particular thresholds (i.e. BODs, pH, total suspended solids) as found in the Sewer Ordinance. A grease trap may also be required by the Borough due to a concern for fats, oils, grease and solids (FOGS) to capture and reduce the likelihood of discharge into the collection system.
Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority
Selinsgrove Borough participates with Shamokin Dam Borough, Monroe Township and Penn Township to form a regional Authority providing wastewater treatment.
Borough Council appoints two (2) representatives to this eight (8) member Authority board. ESCRA representatives are appointed for 5-year terms and receive compensation from the Authority for this service.
Meeting dates and other information can be found at the ESCRA website
The regular monthly meetings of the Eastern Snyder County Regional Authority will be held in the Conference Room of the Operations Building at the Selinsgrove Regional Wastewater Treatment Facilities starting at 7:00 p.m., located on the Isle of Que, 870 South Front Street, Selinsgrove, PA on the second and third Wednesday of each month.
Greg Pysher, Manager
P.O. Box 330
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Richard Mease – Delegate
117 N. Orange Street
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
Term Expires – 12/31/2026
Christian Schlieder – Delegate
Term Expires – 12/31/2028
Sewage Enforcement Officers:
Russell Goodling, SEO #02177 – Primary
James Grose, SEO #01088 – Alternate
(570) 837-3109