Borough Council Agendas & Minutes
Sunshine Act Update Effective August 29, 2021
The Sunshine Act requires that written minutes be taken at public meetings. The minutes are open to public inspection. There is no legal requirement for minutes to be taken in executive sessions. The reason for holding any executive session must be announced at the public meeting held immediately before or immediately after the executive session. This announcement should be included in the minutes of the relevant public meeting.
Selinsgrove Borough Council Meeting Minutes/Agendas are available in PDF format.
Meeting minutes will be available online upon final approval of Selinsgrove Borough Council which is usually the next monthly council meeting. Council reviews and approves the minutes from the prior meeting on the first Monday of each month, except as noted.
Please be aware that Borough Council Agendas are in draft form and can change from the time it is posted until the Borough Council meeting.
If a resident or community member wants to bring an item before Council needing approval, please make sure to get it to the Borough Manager by noon on the Wednesday before a Council meeting.

Selinsgrove Borough
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
(1st floor, corner of Pine & High Streets)
8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday
Maintenance Office
219 West Sassafras Street
Selinsgrove, PA 17870
7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m
Monday – Friday