Selinsgrove Municipal Authority
Provided there is business to discuss, the regular monthly meetings of the Selinsgrove Municipal Authority will be held at 7:00PM in the Borough Council Chambers, 1 N High Street, Selinsgrove, PA on the second Thursday of each month. For questions and to confirm there will be a meeting, please call the office at 570-374-2311.
Selinsgrove Borough Council Meeting
The regular monthly meetings of the Selinsgrove Borough Council will be held at 7:00PM in the Borough Council Chambers, 1 N High Street, Selinsgrove, PA on the first Monday of each month. In the event there is a holiday on that Monday, the meeting will be held on Tuesday at the same time in the same […]
Selinsgrove Parks and Recreation Board
Provided there is business to discuss, the regular bi-monthly meetings of the Selinsgrove Parks and Recreation Board will be held at 5:30PM in the Borough Council Chambers, 1 N High Street, Selinsgrove, PA on the third Wednesday of every odd numbered month. For questions and to confirm there will be a meeting, please contact Borough […]
Selinsgrove Planning Commission
Provided there is business to discuss, the regular monthly meetings of the Selinsgrove Planning Commission will be held at 7:00PM in the Borough Council Chambers, 1 N High Street, Selinsgrove, PA on the third Wednesday of each month. For questions and to confirm there will be a meeting, please contact Deputy Zoning Officer, Lindsey Mull, […]
Selinsgrove Borough Council: Public Facilities & Services
Streets, Alleys, Sidewalks & Curbing, Water Supply & Conveyance, Storm & Sanitary Sewer Conveyance, Refuse, Disposal, Recycling & Composting, Cable TV, Parks & Recreation, Oversight of Emergency Management Policies & Procedures, Signage & Demarcations, Snow Removal, Activities & Emergency Routings (Street closures for events), Police & Fire Departments, and Code Issues This committee will meet […]