Borough Council Vacancy
The Borough of Selinsgrove is currently looking for someone to fill a vacant Council seat. If interested, please read the duties of Council (provided below), send a letter of interest, and provide a current resume to the attention of the Borough Manager/Secretary, Lauren Martz, by the end of December. The information can be emailed directly to Mgr. Martz at [email protected], placed in the water bill drop box on the Union Alley side of the building, or handed to a staff member at the 1 N. High Street door during business hours. A decision will be made at the Borough Council Meeting on January 4, 2021.
Council’s Duties:
Council’s major duties include the enactment of legislation, the raising and spending of public money, land use regulation, and the provision of public services. Within Selinsgrove Borough, these public services include sanitary sewer and public water services.
By law, Council must meet at least once a month to conduct its business. Pennsylvania’s “Sunshine Act” requires that Council take all official actions in public at such a meeting and that the public be notified and provided an opportunity to comment at these meetings.
This “Sunshine Act” also applies to the various subcommittees of Council. These committees each deal with a substantial area of Borough Government and also hold public meetings to deliberate about issues within their respective areas and to make recommendations for action to the full Council.
All of Council’s powers are prescribed by Pennsylvania statutes, particularly the Pennsylvania Borough Code. In general, Council is empowered to adopt ordinances and regulations in the interest of the health, safety and general welfare of the residents. In Selinsgrove Borough, the members of Council receive no compensation.